Cruijff is Art

Johan Cruijff schilderijen door Nikki Genee, Cruijff is Art, Cruijff is Ajax, Cruijff is Barça

Cruijff is Art             Cruijff is Ajax             Cruijff is Barça

Mixed Media Painting on Canvas

150 x 100 cm x 4.5 cm

Also available with English or Spanish Quotes

Due to the wide sides of the canvas, a list is unnecessary. The edges are painted with gold paint

Zij hebben al een 'Cruijff'

We genieten echt elke dag van het kunstwerk 'Cruijff is Ajax' en zijn er super tevreden over, evenals over de afhandeling en je persoonlijk contact.

Every day we enjoy the artwork 'Cruijff is Ajax.' We are very satisfied with it, as well as about the handling and your personal contact.

Peter en Natasja Scheffer

Ik dacht meteen, als ik die niet koop, ken ik ze niet hebben! Maar dat is logisch! 

Ben dol op Cruijff en z'n uitspraken en heb ze dan ook allebei gekocht. Als er meer komen, dan mag je mij bellen!

I immediately thought, if I do not buy them, I can't have them! But that makes sense. 

I love Cruijff and his statements and have bought them all. If you have a new one, you can always call me

Marco Rehorst

Ben erg blij met mijn schilderij. Meestal is de foto in de folder mooier dan de werkelijkheid, maar nu zeker niet. Top!!

I'm very happy with my painting. Usually the picture in the leaflet is more beautiful than the reality, but certainly not now. Top!!

GJ Arendshorst

Johan Derksen blij met Johan Cruijff schilderij geschilderd door Nikki Genee

Johan blij met Johan

De beminnelijke, altijd vrolijke en optimistische allemansvriend Johan Derksen is buiten zinnen met zijn schilderij van Johan Cruijff

Johan Cruyff Painting 'Cruyff is Art' by Nikki Genee

€ 1750,-

€ 1495,-

Cruijff is Art

Mixed Media Painting on Canvas

150 x 100 cm x 4.5 cm

Also available with English or Spanish Quotes

A part of the proceeds goes to the Cruyff Foundation

Johan Cruyff Painting 'Cruyff is Ajax' by Nikki Genee

€ 1750,-


Cruijff is Ajax

Mixed Media Painting on Canvas

150 x 100 cm x 4.5 cm

Also available with English or Spanish Quotes

A part of the proceeds goes to the Cruyff Foundation

Johan Cruyff Painting 'Cruyff is Barça' by Nikki Genee

€ 1750,-

€ 1495,-

Cruijff is Barça

Mixed Media Painting on Canvas

150 x 100 cm x 4.5 cm

Also available with English or Spanish Quotes

A part of the proceeds goes to the Cruyff Foundation